Lighting Software For Mac

DIALux is the leading software for lighting design, available free of charge in 25 languages. Plan, calculate and visualize light for indoor and outdoor areas. From entire buildings and individual rooms to parking spaces or street lighting. Create a unique atmosphere with real products of our DIALux partners › and convince with an individual lighting project.
More about DIALux can be found here ›

Chameleon Lighting Software (Mac) Laser Show Designer QuickShow – Pangolin; Venue Magic; FreeStyler; Lightkey (Mac) Vixen; LightShow Pro; MagicQ – ChamSys (Windows, Mac, Linux) LCompanion (use with iPad/iPhone Luminair app) Lighting DmxControl (Mac).FREE. LX Series (Mac OS-X) QLC+ (Windows, Mac. Mac Lighting Software; Mac Based Lighting Control Software Free Reviews 2017; Free Lighting Software For Pc; Nice free program Thanks to the author of this program. It is convenient for writing simple cues and testing lighting looks.


DIALux Download ›

DIALux evo The worldwide standard in lighting design software Design, calculate and visualize light for single rooms, whole buildings, streets, outdoor areas and daylighting. DIALux is free and open. Since the release of Capture 2020 we have been maintaining the Mac Metal Issues page, tracking issues with Capture 2020 on specific Mac GPUs. Following the release of macOS 11.1 and Capture 2020.0.54 we are now pretty much calling it case closed.

Whatever project you are planning, DIALux offers you a wide range of features and functions. Click here to download DIALux and the DIALux product catalogues.

Lighting Software For Mac

DIALux partner ›

More than 190 manufacturers from all over the world rely on DIALux. The ULD files of the DIALux partners bring many advantages in planning. Unlike LDT/IES files, they contain all important product information in one file.

Etc Lighting Software For Mac


For manufacturers ›

Present your products at the right time, in the right place, to the right target group. More than 190 renowned lighting manufacturers worldwide trust in DIALux. Your luminaires become part of the digital design workflow without any dispersion loss. The products are available 365 days a year.

LUMsearch ›


Free Dmx Lighting Software For Mac

There is no need to leaf through printed catalogues or visit countless websites. LUMsearch offers you a wide range of high-quality products from our DIALux partners. With just one click you can insert the desired product into your DIALux lighting design.