Charles 2 Definition

  1. Charles 2 Definition
  2. Charles 2 Definition Geometry
Charles II, otherwise known as El Hechizado (The Hexed) or The Bewitched. Was the final Habsburg ruler of Spain, best known for his physical and mental disabilities. Most notably his face. Believed to be caused by the past 16 generations of inbreeding, he was also incapable of knocking up his two mistresses and died heirless in 1700. Beginning the war of the Spanish Succession, don't knock up your niece/uncle kids.
Guy 1: Holy crap, Charles II's Face looks like a foot!

Charles II of Spain From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Charles II of Spain (6 November 1661 – 1 November 1700), also known as The Bewitched (Spanish: El Hechizado), was the last Habsburg ruler of the Spanish Empire. He is best remembered for his alleged. Definition: Charles II was the successor of Charles I, his father, who was disposed of in 1649 and shortly after the monarchy was abolished. In 1660, Parliament chose to restore the monarchy and invited Charles II to return to the throne as successor to his father. Charles II, byname Charles the Bald, French Charles le Chauve, German Karl der Kahle, (born June 13, 823—died Oct. 6, 877, Brides-les-Bain, France), king of France (i.e., Francia Occidentalis, the West Frankish kingdom) from 843 to 877 and Western emperor from 875 to 877.

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Charles 2 Definition Geometry

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